
Showing posts from May, 2024

Match Up

Your privacy is important to us, and so is being transparent about how we collect, use, and share information about you. This policy is intended to help you understand: What information does Match Up collect from you? Match Up is an advertising platform providing targeted advertising services for the purpose of matchmaking (“Service”). In order to do provide the services, you (User/Member) required to submit certain personal information which is displayed on the Site on behalf of you to find the perfect life partner. You hereby provide your consent to collect, process, and share of your personal information with other user/members in order to provide the service. Match Up gathers three types of information while you are availing our services: i. Information you submit; and ii. Information not directly submitted by the you iii. Information we receive from others Information submitted by you In order to avail the service you provide the following information:- While registering fo